10 Signs He Really Likes You on Your First Date

The first date is open important because first impressions last – and the first date often determines whether there would more dates to come.

Just in case you are wondering, here are signs that he really likes you on your first date.

1. He Didn’t Spend Time on His Phone

It’s really annoying when you’re out on a date and he/she just spends the entire time using the phone. But while it is rude, it is also a sign that your date isn’t really interested in you. So, if he actually spent time with you and not on his phone, then it means he’s interested.

2. He Wants to Know You More

Does he ask about things that interest you, what you do for a living, things that make you happy, and the like? It might be your first date and you’re both shy but this is a good sign that he likes you.

3. He Opens Up about Himself

It’s great when he also opens up about himself – as long as he doesn’t spend the entire night just talking about himself, though.

4. He Maintains Eye Contact

Admittedly this is a bit tricky because there are guys who are shy on the first date and might spend a lot of time bowing their heads; however, if he really is interested in you, he would maintain eye contact, especially when you are talking.

5. He Couldn’t Stop Smiling

He might look silly but he just couldn’t stop smiling – all because he’s so happy to be with you!

6. He Hangs on to Your Every Word

He’s interested in what you are saying and hangs on to your every word. While he talks about himself, he is more interested in what you are going to say.

7. He Tries His Best to Make You Happy

He wants to make sure you are impressed with him and agree on a second date; thus, he tries his best to make you happy, perhaps by buying you a memento during your date or taking you to a place you told him you’re interested in or doing something that you want to do.

8. You Have an Amazing First Kiss

People often show their feelings through a kiss – and you could feel that during your first kiss. Of course, he doesn’t want to overstep his boundaries, especially because this is your first time but you will know he’s actually interested if he does ask for that first kiss.

9. He Asks for a Second Date

You might think he’s moving too fast but if he does ask for a second date, whether in person or via text message later, then he’s definitely interested.

10. He Keeps Texting You

Even while waiting for that second date, he keeps on texting you and making sure you won’t forget him anytime soon.

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6 Points to Ponder if He Acts Like He Doesn’t Care About You

Are you with a guy who now acts like he doesn’t care about you? Well, we’ve got some bad news, girl, because if you start to feel that way, it might really be true that he’s not that into you.

Here are 6 points to ponder so you can stop dreaming that things would get better. Just move on.

1. Action Really Speaks Louder than Words

Men aren’t really into words, they are more into actions. No matter how hard you wish for him to change, if he acts indifferent and simply doesn’t care, listen to your gut instinct and let him go.

2. You Can’t Force Someone to Fall in Love with You

You might be the best of friends, enjoying each other’s company. You can talk about anything and everything. You feel secured when he is around. You wish he was ‘The One’ because he fits the bill for the man of your dreams.

But despite the closeness, you can’t force him to fall in love with you. Perhaps he really just sees you as a close friend, nothing more.

3. Love Shouldn’t Be Too Much Work

Planning on trying harder to make him love you back? Don’t! If you focus your efforts in making him love you back, you’ll eventually lose yourself and just feel more pain.

Remember, love should be something wonderful and shouldn’t be too much work. If you feel on having to beg him for attention, you might end up pushing him away.

4. It’s No One’s Fault He Doesn’t Love You

It’s not your fault – and it certainly isn’t his fault that he doesn’t love you! Understand that it’s possible you are not meant for each other.

5. You Deserve Better

Don’t keep on clinging to someone who doesn’t even love you. It’s not worth spending all your energy and love on, girl! Remind yourself that you deserve better and you’ll eventually meet someone who will love you.

6. You’ll Get Over Him

In fact, you’ll actually feel much better if you let him go. As difficult as it might seem to you at the moment, you’ll get over him.

And did you know that you’ll have more fun if you stop looking for love and just go with the flow?

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8 Signs You’re in a Healthy Relationship

As much as we like it, not all relationships are happy – and not all happy relationships are healthy!

And while there’s no such thing as a perfect relationship, let’s all strive to develop a happy, healthy relationship as much as we can.

Here are tell-tale signs that you are already in one…

1. You Trust Each Other

Alright with you that your significant other spends time with friends of your gender, and you don’t feel jealous at all because you know he’d never cheat on you.healty relationship 1

2. You Appreciate Even the Little Things

He brought you food or made you coffee – and you feel so special even if it was a common thing for someone to do.

3. You Inspire Each Other

In times of trouble, you know you have someone to turn to and make you feel happy again.healty relationship 2

4. You Don’t Rush Things Just for Milestones

There’s no timetable in your relationship because you want to savor the moment. You don’t rush things just for the milestones.

5. You’re Open About Everything

You can talk about anything and everything, even about your past loves (aka exes) and future plans! You consult each other about things you need to decide upon, especially if it’s something major that could affect your careers, your family, and your lives in general.

6. You Don’t Try to Change Each Other

You love each other for who you are, even with the quirkiness, and don’t try to change each other to suit what you wanted.healty relationship 3

7. You Have Personal Space

While you do love to spend time with each other, you also let the other have personal space. You don’t encroach on their territory – and don’t even feel the need to check their phones to possibly find secrets.

8. You Don’t Care About the Past

You understand that you might not be the first one, the first love in each other’s lives, but you live in the moment and don’t care about the past.

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